
Conference: International Network on Personal Meaning

The International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM) is pleased to announce the 7th Biennial International Meaning Conference to be held July 26-29, 2012 in Toronto, Canada. The conference theme is: A Positive Global Vision of Healing and Flourishing through Meaning.

This is the only international conference that emphasizes both positive psychology & humanistic/existential psychology; it is also the home for logotherapy & existential positive psychotherapy. The conference will highlight the role of meaning in well-being, flourishing, character strengths, resilience, post-traumatic growth, spirituality, psychotherapy, healing, recovery, and positive organizations. It will emphasize both cutting edge research and the application of research findings to meaningful living. Keynote speakers include Christopher Peterson, Laura King, Robert Neimeyer, Jordan Peterson, Mark Kingwell, Todd Kashdan, Salvatore Maddi, Emmy van Deurzen, Stanley Krippner, George Bonanno, Alan Waterman, Richard Ryan, & Paul T.P. Wong.

More information can be found at the Conference Website. Dr. Paul Wong serves as the contact person.

1 comment:

Charles said...

Ah geez, those are some good speakers! I wish I could go. I was at the 2008 meaning conference and got to hear Roy Baumeister speak.

For any readers who might have the opportunity, I highly recommend this conference. I got both high-quality psychology presentations and some good interdisciplinary experience (attendees included therapists, researchers, clergy, philosophers, classicists... it was great). And the Wongs (who organize the conference) are wonderful people.