
Ph.D. Studentship at Queen's University

This announcement comes from Thomas Lawson at Queen's University, Belfast.


A 3-year PhD studentship, to begin September/October 2008, is being offered by the Institute of Cognition and Culture (School of History and Anthropology, Queen’s University – Belfast) as part of a collaborative research grant with partner US institutions. The project is titled ‘Cultural Variation in Vigilance and Precaution Themes’ and focuses on the hazard-precaution psychology underlying individual precautionary measures as well as those precautionary themes expressed in collective rituals. Both UK/EU nationals and international applicants are eligible for this studentship which shall run parallel to the three-year duration of the grant. To be eligible applicants should at minimum have:

1. a bachelor’s degree in cognitive psychology, evolutionary psychology, cognitive anthropology, or other relevant fields
2. nothing that would prevent fieldwork in locations like sub-Saharan Africa, US, continental Europe, potentially Southeast Asia
3. an interest in explaining human behavior from a cognitive and evolutionary psychological perspective

The applicant chosen shall develop a PhD research project in concert with the general project’s aims. An experimental component is required. The student will work with the two primary investigators, Professor Thomas Lawson and Dr Joel Mort.

The student will receive funds for tuition, fees, and maintenance for three years. Most research costs (subject costs etc) will be covered by the grant but any additional costs must be accounted for by the student through additional grants etc. Postgraduate office space will be provided at the Institute of Cognition and Culture (including network access). Interested persons should send applications via email to t.lawson /at/ qub.ac.uk no later than 1 Feb 2008. In addition a signed hard copy of the application materials should be mailed to:

Professor E. Thomas Lawson
Institute of Cognition and Culture
Queen’s University
2-4 Fitzwilliam Street
Belfast BT7 1NN

A short-list of finalists will be chosen from all applications and those short-listed will be interviewed.

Application materials required:

• QUB application form
(http://www.qub.ac.uk/home/ProspectiveStudents/PostgraduateStudents/ApplyingtoQueens/ )

• Two academic references
• University transcripts

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