I need to say thank you to several people. Last year I received the Distinguished Service Award from Division 36 of the APA for my work to promote the psychology of religion online. The photo to the right shows Dr. Mark McMinn, president of Division 36, giving me the award. Receiving that award was a very nice surprise, definitely a highlight of my career.
Last year from my university I received the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Award of Distinction in Service. Again, a great surprise and honor.

This week my work online was recognized again, when I was awarded the Georgia Southern University Award for Excellence in Service. (The photo shows me with the other winners for university-wide service, teaching and research awards.) I am deeply honored to have received these awards, and glad to know that my web pages have been useful to people. So, to the people who nominated me for these awards, or who served on the committees that made the award decisions, I say thank you. Your support and encouragement means a great deal to me. Thanks also to Dr. Russ Dewey, who encouraged me to put something online in 1993, back in the internet's infancy.
Most of all, thank you for visiting these pages.
Thank you for the quality.
And, congratulations!
Congrats! Well-deserved!
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