
Lectures & Exhibits

If you happen to be in the right place at the right time, here are a few things happening in the world of psychology & religion that may interest you.

Georgia Southern University Museum
Now through December 31, 2006
Islam in Belief and Practice
An exhibit curated by John Parcels

Bowling Green State University
Olscamp Hall, rm. 219
Monday, Oct. 16, 2006
5:45 pm
Dr. Richard Koenigsberg will deliver a lecture titled:
The Logic of Mass Murder: Hitler, the Holocaust and War

Temple of Understanding, New York City
United Nations Headquarters, Delebates Dining Room
October 18, 2006
The 9th Annual Juliet Hollister Awards Ceremony
Awardees this year include journalist Daniel Pearl (award accepted by his father, Dr. Judea Pearl); Chief Arvol Looking Horse, spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Peoples; and the Honorable Dr. Yifa, recipient of the United Nations Outstanding Women in Buddhism Award. Hearing their stories will surely make for an inspirational evening.
For more information and tickets, call 212-573-9224 or go to the Temple of Understanding website.

Church Center for the United Nations, New York City
November 9, 2006
Dr. Richard Koenigsberg will conduct a workshop titled:
Something to Kill and Die For: The Psychology of War and Terrorism"

Culture and Mental Health: The Place of Identity and Religion
Conference to be held November 27, 2006, London
Additional details online at http://www.bme-mentalhealth.co.uk

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