
Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion Seeks Authors

David Leeming and Kathryn Madden seek people who would like to contribute to their Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion to be published by Springer. Many topics are available to authors. If you would like to participate in this worthy project, click on this link to view the instructions to authors and to see a list of topics that were available as of mid-September. This is a "pdf" document, which can be opened with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Drs. Leeming and Madden also welcome suggestions for additional topics to be included, so if you do not see a topic that you would like to address, email Dr. Leeming. (His email address is on the pdf document.)

Entries will range from short, 100-word definitions of terms, to more thorough, 2000-word articles. The aim is to create a "user-friendly" reference work suitable for use in libraries, by scholars and students, and by clinicians, clergy, and general readers interested in finding meaning in sacred stories.

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