
Change Lanes, But Not Routes, at Reformed Theological Seminary

Theologian Bruce Waltke discussed religion and science, creationism and evolution recently, in so many words saying that the religious should engage with the scientific, lest the world consider religious belief obsolete. (My paraphrase, of course. Read more here.) Waltke learned this week that his remarks about evolution offended his employer, Reformed Theological Seminary, which then asked for his resignation.

From Inside Higher Ed:
Michael Milton (President of Reformed Seminary), said that the seminary allows "views to vary" about creation, describing the faculty members there as having "an eight-lane highway" on which to explore various routes to understanding. Giving an example, he said that some faculty members believe that the Hebrew word yom (day) should be seen in Genesis as a literal 24-hour day. Others believe that yom may be providing "a framework" for some period of time longer than a day. Both of those views, and various others, are allowed, Milton said.


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